Version 2.6.5

New Features

  • Added --with-services and --with-platform options to the educates create-cluster command so that these can be set to false, resulting in those components not being installed. This is intended for when need to create an empty Kubernetes cluster which is then going to be used for working on developing Educates.

Features Changed

  • The Kubernetes service object for the workshop session deployment previously exported port 10080, with it proxying through to port 10080 on the workshop pod. The exported port is now 80, with it still proxying through to port 10080 on the workshop pod. This was only used internally and the change should not affect any workshops.

  • The permissions of the $HOME/.kube/config file have been changed to 0600 so that Helm doesn’t complain about it being readable by group and others.

  • When the Git repository feature is enabled, the directory where the Git repositories are kept is now included in the workshop data volume. This means that when persistent storage is enabled the Git repositories will be stored in the persistent volume.

  • The training portal image is now always pre-pulled to each node in the Kubernetes cluster when Educates is deployed so that creating training portal instances is quicker.

Bugs Fixed

  • The vcluster.objects and docker.compose sections of the workshop definition were being included in the limited version of the workshop definition available in the workshop session container. As these could have contained sensitive information, this should not have been the case.

  • The certificate authority (CA) certificate when provided was not being injected into the kapp-controller configuration when creating a local Educates cluster. This was resulting in kapp-controller not trusting any secure ingress created by Educates.